
Foto: Lauren ManckeUnsplash

Thorbjørn Nørgaard Hein

This is the portfolio of Thorbjørn N. Hein. The portfolio of business partner Eskil Hein TBP.

CV updated in April 2022

Resumé in Danish.


“Cross-cultural translation and adaptation of the Danish version of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment for post stroke sensorimotor function” – Ph.d. project, research articles and fund applications, Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals, 2016-2021
Døden kører Audi, novel, Gyldendals Forlag, 2012
Tactical Information Operations in Contemporary COIN Campaigns, Royal Danish Defence College, 2011
Mifune, print movie magazine, 2006-2007
Kristeligt Dagblad, newspaper editorial staff, 2006
And many more …

Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO/FMI)

Main duties are leadership/management and being the press advisor to the director, a three-star general, but in a hectic day to day worklife, I still occasionally get my hands dirty with executing various communication products, 2022-

Articles and editorial input in InterForce News

Print magazine. Articles in practically every edition, editorial input on all, 2016-2022

Editing and development of InterForce webpage

InterForce.dk, 2016-2022 (implementation of new design in 2019)

NATO press releases

New Zealand MPA, December 2014.
NATO and Japan Counter-Piracy Forces, November 2014
NATO Continues Training of Somali Port Police, November 2014
NATO counter-piracy forces conduct MLE training, October 2014
NATO counter-piracy force conducts public health education, October 2014
Coast Guards trained by NATO, October 2014
Danish MPA, October 2014
NATO and Japan Counter-Piracy Forces conduct exercise, September 2014
Press releases from the period May-August 2014 no longer available online.

Articles in “Dagbladet Information”

Three Danish language articles on propaganda/PsyOps in Afghanistan (final exam articles from the Danish School of Journalism. Full mark/A/12), January 2009
Scan of print version (link)

Academic work, latest

Various papers on organisation, strategy, HR, management etc., 2020-2021
Swords dipped in Ink: The Taliban and ISAF War on Propaganda in Afghanistan, 2019 (link to professor evaluation)
Propaganda in the Falklands War, 2019
Shoulder to Shoulder: Danish Public Diplomacy and Defence Diplomacy in the United Kingdom, 2018

SoMe work

DALO/FMI uses LinkedIn to a great degree and Facebook to a lesser degree, and I sometimes assist my employed SoMe Manager in her great work – go follow us both places
Many articles and Facebook stories for the Danish Embassy in London – no longer available online, 2009-2010 (links to endorsements from H.E. the Ambassador and the Defence Attaché respectively)
Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 Facebook page, 2014 and 2018
Editing and contribution to the InterForce DK Facebook page, 2016-2022
Extensive reports, features, columns, opinion pieces etc. on own blog www.thorbjørnhein.dk, 2006-

Business communication

Made one folder for the Municipality of Randers as a Danish School of Journalism project in the subject business communication. Afterwards hired to do an additional two folders. Product based on interview sessions conducted with three focus groups (link)

Scans of various article examples since 1999

Example of press release with own photos at official page of the Danish Armed Forces (link dead)
Example of feature article in “Substans”, printed specialist magazine for The Trade Union NNF (link)
Example of feature article in Mifune, printed movie magazine in national distribution (link)
Example of review in Metalized, printed music magazine in national distribution (link)
Article in “Udvikling”, published by DANIDA, Govt. Org. under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (link)
Example of “Choice” print magazine articles, distributed to all high schools in Denmark (link)
Example of report genre for print magazine “Hjemmeværnsmagasinet” (link)
Example of internal communication in armed forces, “Hærnyt” background article (link)
Example of book review for print magazine “Reserveofficeren” (link)